We hope everyone is ready to celebrate Homecoming and Senior Night this week. We have a few announcements regarding our game this Friday. First, all parents of seniors who are being honored at the game must purchase a ticket for the game online unless they already have a season pass. The link for tickets can be found on the district website. Second, all parents of senior football players need to be on the track at 6:50 pm to honor their sons. Band seniors will be recognized at half time. Looking forward to a great night! Let's go Wildcats!
about 4 years ago, Mike Burns
Please click the link below to read an important message about Remote Learning at Big Sandy ISD. https://tinyurl.com/y63y5t4o
about 4 years ago, Mike Burns
Reminder this Wednesday, October 14 will be an early release day at 12:18 for all students. Also, Thursday and Friday will be a school holidays. We hope you enjoy the break and see you back at school on Monday.
over 4 years ago, Moriah Phillips
Football Tickets for Big Sandy vs Union Grove October 15th at 7pm will be on sale next week. All tickets are $5.00 each and there will only be 140 tickets available. Monday from 5pm- 6:15pm at ticket booth - players, cheer parents and faculty can purchase tickets - limit 2. Wednesday from 5pm - 6:15pm at ticket booth - general ticket sales. Open to anyone.
over 4 years ago, Moriah Phillips
Class of 2021 Students and Parents, It’s time to order your Balfour Graduation items including your Cap &Gown. Please place your order on or before Friday, October 9, 2020. The link takes you to our custom Balfour School page where you will find options and pricing to customize and place your order. https://www.balfour.com/texas/big-sandy/big-sandy-high-school Please feel free to contact our local Balfour Rep at 903-757-6595 or contactus@graduatesales.net with any questions.
over 4 years ago, Moriah Phillips
Wildcat parents, just a reminder that all students returning to school need to return their chromebook and power adapter tomorrow, Monday, October 5th. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Moriah Phillips
A quick shout out to all of our Big Sandy Maintenance and Custodial Staff! This crew has worked very hard to get our school ready for Monday. I don't think it is a coincidence that today is Custodial Appreciation Day. Thanks for all you do for our kids!
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns
We have almost made it! Only two school days left until Big Sandy ISD opens its doors again for face-to-face learning. To help the district plan for your return, we ask that all of our families fill out the form below. It will help us plan for your return and help us provide the safest environment possible upon your return. We can't wait to see everyone on Monday. Thanks for all of your patience, support and understanding during this time. https://forms.gle/uV8Gy342iB7zpDNa8
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns
Class of 2021 Students and Parents, It’s time to order your Balfour Graduation items including your Cap &Gown. Click on the link below to start your amazing graduation journey. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tYQNfIuaSMNJIkV_nwqyP--9sbfSPPW3/view The last link takes you to our custom Balfour School page where you will find options and pricing to customize and place your order. Please place your order on or before Friday, October 9, 2020. https://www.balfour.com/texas/big-sandy/big-sandy-high-school Please feel free to contact our local Balfour Rep at 903-757-6595 or contactus@graduatesales.net with any questions.
over 4 years ago, Moriah Phillips
Hello Big Sandy. Just a reminder that while the district is temporarily closed until October 5, if you or anyone in your family tests positive for COVID-19, please notify your child's campus so the district can plan accordingly. Thank you. We look forward to seeing all of you back on October 5th!
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns
Just a reminder if you have signed up for meals for this week from the school - please come by and pick those up between 10 am and 1 pm today, Monday Sept. 28. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Moriah Phillips
Please read the following message for students who have limited Internet access at home for remote learning. https://tinyurl.com/y5jstclm
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns
Big Sandy Family: Please see the attached message regarding the closing of Big Sandy ISD until October 5th, 2020. https://tinyurl.com/y36rzjal
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns
COVID-19 Update for September 18, 2020. https://tinyurl.com/y48cmmco
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns
Click below to read a new COVID-19 Update from Big Sandy ISD https://tinyurl.com/y5sl3l9h
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns
Click the link below to get the district's latest COVID-19 update. https://tinyurl.com/yytsk5d8
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns
Please click the link below for the district's latest COVID-19 Update. https://tinyurl.com/y3p6euwq
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns
Please click the link below to read an important message from Big Sandy ISD. https://tinyurl.com/y4x7b7sf
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns
Hey wildcats - This is a reminder that tomorrow is picture day!
over 4 years ago, Moriah Phillips
Please click the link below for a message from the Superintendent. https://tinyurl.com/y4xguuox
over 4 years ago, Mike Burns