Schedule pickups for 7th-12th graders have been moved to Tuesday, August 20th, all day.
Freshman Orientation is Tuesday, August 13th, at 6:30 pm, in the cafeteria. Please bring completed registration paperwork with you.
Sixth Grade Reception is Wednesday, August 14th, at 6:30 pm, in the cafeteria. Please bring completed registration paperwork with you.
Our new High School Fire Academy Parent/Student/Instructor Meeting is Thursday, August 15th, at 6:30 pm. Please come to the HS office to check in.
Go Wildcats!
Parents who are planning to send their child to Pre-Kindergarten in 2019-2020 are urged to pre-register at the Elementary office on Wednesday, August 7th, from 9-11:00 am. Please bring an official birth certificate, a shot record, social security card, proof of residency and proof of income.
We are excited to announce a great service for school supply shopping. The Big Sandy ISD does not make any proceeds from this service, as we are just offering it for your convenience.
There is also a link for Target to ship:
You can change the Target one for store pick-up as well.
Go Wildcats!
The Big Sandy ISD is having roof construction completed by Curtis McKinley in the next coming weeks, above the Auditorium and the Student Center. Activity inside the buildings will not be affected.
The entrance to the Band Hall on Wildcat Drive will be closed for the duration of the roof construction. Materials and equipment will begin to be dropped off and staged on Wildcat Drive, adjacent to the Band Hall Area, on Friday, July 26th.
During Band rehearsal and practices, we ask that no vehicles be parked along Wildcat Drive, nor any student(s) be picked up or dropped off on Wildcat Drive. This construction will take approximately 2-3 weeks to complete.
All Band students and parents will need to use the Elementary Parking Lot to park, pick-up, and drop-off. Students will enter the gated area between the Elementary Gym and Elementary Building to access the Band Hall.
Go Wildcats!
Attention Big Sandy Community:
The Football field and track will be closed Saturday, July 27, until Monday morning, July 29, for ant treatment. The gates will be locked with a notice of treatment attached to each gate.
Go Wildcats!
Hear ye, Hear ye:
Pre-Kindergarten roundup is scheduled for Wednesday, August 7th, from 9:00 am - 11:00 am.
Kindergarten registration for families that missed the Kindergarten Round-up in Spring 2019 or are new to the area begins August 5th.
7th Grade – 8th Grade and 10th Grade -12th Grade Schedule Pick-up is on August 12th.
Freshmen (9th Grade) Orientation is on August 13th at 6:30 pm in the Cafeteria.
6th Grade Reception is on August 14th at 6:30 pm in the Cafeteria.
Parents are welcome to register students new to the Big Sandy ISD on any Monday through Thursday, from 8:00 am - 11:00 am and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
Go Wildcats!
The Big Sandy ISD will be closed next week, Monday, July 1st through Friday, July 5th. Campuses and the Business Office will re-open at 8:00 am on Monday, July 8th.
Go Wildcats!
The electricity is out at the school. We will cancel ALL Summer School for today. It will resume at normal time tomorrow, Thursday, June 20, 2019.
Hey Big Sandy Parents, Students, and Staff:
We are excited to offer you an easy way to get your school supplies for the 2019-2020 school year! This will only work for the Big Sandy Elementary, due to Secondary classes not usually giving out school supply lists, as the students move to so many different classrooms.
You can click on the following link to purchase your Elementary students' school supply lists from either Amazon or Education Place. With one easy click, the school supplies will be gathered for you and shipped directly to you:
You can also choose to use Target by clicking the following link. With Target, you will be prompted to choose shipping or curb-side pick-up:
We hope that this helps to keep you from running from store to store to find the supplies on the Elementary school supply lists! The school does not financially benefit from this service, as this is simply a service that we wanted to provide for our parents, students, and staff!
Go Wildcats!
Just a reminder, buses will run 2 1/2 hours later than normal this morning. We will begin at 10:30 for the start of school. Staff will report at 10 AM.
Attention parents, buses may run a little bit late today. You will be contacted directly if the bus is unable to deliver your child to your home. At that time, you will be contacted so that other arrangements can be made for you to either meet the bus or to pick your child up here at the school.
Attention Big Sandy staff, students, and parents:
Due to storms, electricity issues, and water collection on roadways overnight tonight, we will have a delayed start of school on Thursday, May 9, 2019, at 10:30 AM. All staff will report at 10 AM.
Go Wildcats!
Big Sandy Community:
We have so many events taking place at the end of the school year! I am sending you a schedule of events, so that you can be informed and be sure to be at those events of your choosing! We love to see our community support our kids and we want you to know what is happening at school!
I will be sending the following weeks' events each Friday, from now to the last day, which is May 30th!
Thursday 9th:
Kindergarten Promotion at 6:30pm
Friday 10th:
Muffins with Mom at 7:30am in the Student Center
Monday, May 6th:
Algebra I EOC
Nurse’s Day
Tues. May 7th:
Biology EOC
Paraprofessionals’ Day
Wed. May 8th:
US History EOC
Thurs. May 9th:
State Track Meet Send Off (9:30 ish)
7th Grade Field Trip to Oil Museum in Kilgore
District Teacher Appreciation Lunch
Fri. May 10th:
Special Education Prom @ Maud Cobb in Longview
JH Track Pictures
State Track Meet
Secondary Teacher Appreciation Lunch (BBQ)
Grades due in Gradebook by 3:40
Sat. May 11th:
State Track Meet
Go Wildcats!
Dear Parents, Staff, and All Community Members,
I am writing this to you on behalf of the Big Sandy Independent School District administrators, teachers, and staff members. Over the past few weeks, we have begun the process of our children’s state testing (STAAR and EOC). Although this standardized test is used by the state to score and rank our district, this is not the end-all for Big Sandy ISD. We have a higher standard. We love and believe in our children, each and every one of them. There is no standardized test that can assess what makes each student special.
Our district is incredibly blessed, and we want to thank each of you for the support you provide. At the beginning of each school year, you continue to send your children to us, so that we may educate and nurture them through their learning years, as students. We have the great opportunity to build relationships with each of them, and for this, we are truly grateful. We know that a score on an exam does not reflect the quality of the children that we serve. This single test cannot measure what we know about your child. We have students who play musical instruments, dance, sing, play sports, write songs and poetry, lead in organizations, compete at high levels, and produce magnificent works of art. We have students who work after-school jobs or care for younger siblings into the late hours of the evening. This test cannot measure when your child is kind or thoughtful, trustworthy, helpful, or when they try their hardest to be the very best they can be.
I have also been witness to teachers and staff that will purchase clothing for a child in need, or place food into their backpack before they leave for the weekend, or spend numerous extra hours trying to help a child understand a concept that they just could not get in class. We have a staff that cares for our children, not only because we have wonderful educators, but we have students that are ALL worthy of such care and support.
Big Sandy ISD will continue to have a tradition of excellence. That tradition starts with you. Our parental and community support is amazing. At any given school function, our parking lots are full and people continue to pour in the doors. You have supported us on all fronts, our community individuals and organizations present student scholarships, and you spend countless hours volunteering in our schools.
The 2018–2019 school year has been an excellent one. It’s the cooperative effort of our students, parents, teachers, staff members, volunteers, and community supporters that make Big Sandy ISD a great school system, not the test scores on state-mandated tests. Your child’s highest potential is our highest priority. We are grateful for your unwavering support in our tradition of excellence. You and your child are what make us great. Education is more than a number, it’s about making our Wildcats winners. Go Wildcats!
Jay Ratcliff
Big Sandy ISD Superintendent
Hey Big Sandy:
Kindergarten and Head Start Round-up starts today, April 25th. Come to the Elementary office to get registered!
Come on Lil Wildcats!
We have a medical emergency in the Elementary parking lot for a staff member. An ambulance has been called. School will not be called into ‘Stay Put’, as this is outside in the parking lot. We wanted to inform you.
All campuses have been let out of ‘stay put’, and everyone is back to regular schedule.
Stay Put is a safety protocol that we use when we have emergencies that are non-threatening to students and staff. This simply tells the students and teachers to stay in their classes and to ignore the bells. Teaching still happens as normal within the classrooms. Stay Put is called in the instance of an ambulance being called for a medical emergency.
We have a parent that has a medical emergency in the junior high office area. We have placed the school in our ’stay put’ mode, so that the ambulance can come and take care of the individual. This is normal procedure for any time that we call an ambulance.
Tomorrow, Thursday, April 18th, is a Double Day, and that means an Early Release Day for our students, at 12:18 pm. Good Friday, April 19th, is a School Holiday, so enjoy your long Easter Weekend! We will resume classes on Monday, April 22nd, at normal time!
Go Wildcats!
Blood drive today from 9:00 to 1:00, in the Main Gym Foyer. Come give blood and help save lives through your blood donation(s).
Go Wildcats!