
Your are cordially invited  to Big Sandy ISD’s Annual Thanksgiving Lunch on

Friday, November 22, 20234


Oven Roasted Turkey

Mashed Potatoes & Gravy

Cornbread Stuffing

Seasoned Green Beans

Cranberry Sauce

Cinnamon Applesauce

Honey Wheat Rolls

Pumpkin Pie and Holiday Cookies

The Adult price is $7.00 for NON-EMPLOYEES ONLY.  Children’s price is $5.00 for NON-STUDENTS ONLY.

You must have a ticket to be served.   You may purchase tickets from the cafeteria between the hours of 7:30 AM and 1:00 PM starting November 5 or from the Elementary School office during regular school hours.  Tickets may also be purchased outside of the cafeteria on the day of the Thanksgiving Dinner.  

Lunch schedule is as follows for the Thanksgiving Lunch Only:

Headstart and Pre-K       10:00AM             

Kindergarten                    10:15AM

1st Grade                           10:25AM

2nd Grade                           10:35AM

5th Grade                            10:45AM (5th Grade will be eating in the Student Center)

3rd Grade                            11:00AM

4th Grade                            11:05AM